Valuation Overview of Accessory Dwelling Units @ Via Livestream Classroom
Mar 26 @ 8:00 am

Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Enrolled students will receive an email with a link to join the LIVESTREAM class.

Credit Hours: 7 hours

NEW SEMINAR!  – Many markets are reporting a housing shortage particularly in the affordable housing sector.  As a result, municipalities are updating their zoning laws to allow one or more accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to be added to single-unit housing. If you are an appraiser involved in residential valuation where ADUs are part of this growing trend, this seminar is for you. It provides an overview on ADUs focusing on the description, legal concerns, valuation methods, and techniques needed to value them. You’ll learn about the valuation challenges and discover how the recent changes in the secondary mortgage market selling guidelines now provide more guidance and flexibility in valuing and financing ADUs. This seminar will help you complete appraisal assignments with ADUs competently.
15 Hour National USPAP Course @ Hyatt Place
Apr 4 – Apr 5 all-day


Location:  Hyatt Place, 50 Forbes Road, Braintree, MA
$299 AI Price; $349 Full Price 

Instructor: Steven Elliott, SRA

Credit Hours: 15 hours (Be sure check with with your state licensing board for approval)

Price does NOT include the most recent version of USPAP which is required and MUST be purchased from the Appraisal Foundation. To purchase a print or electronic copy of the publication, please visit The Appraisal Foundation.

General Appraiser Report Writing and Case Studies @ Hyatt Place
May 7 – May 10 all-day

Location:   Hyatt Place, 50 Forbes Road, Braintree, MA
Tuition:     $559 AI Price; $609 Full Price (after 4/23, add $50)
Instructor:  Mark Smeltzer, MAI, SRA, AI-RRS
Credit Hours: 30 hours (Be sure check with with your state licensing board for approval)

Business Practices and Ethics @ via Livestream Classroom
May 14 @ 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Instructor:  Jonathan H. Avery, MAI, SRA

Login/Program Access: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Enrolled students will receive an email with a link to join the virtual class.


Participation Guidelines:   Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor. Participants do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate.

A copy of your driver’s license must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification after you have registered for the offering no later than noon on September 6th via email.

Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Once registered, students will be emailed log-in/access information.

Continuing Education:  Credit Hours: 6 hours.

This course is approved for 30 AI CE points as well as six hours of CE credit by MA (Approval #120077), RI (Approval #REA-0001330-CE) and ME.

Course Materials:  Price includes a downloaded version of the program material. Students that wish to have a printed copy of materials may opt to do so at an additional cost and will be responsible for paying shipping.