Emerging Leaders Meeting
NEW DATE Wednesday, March 28th
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute’s Emerging Leaders Group was formed in early 2008 as a platform for young appraisers and real estate professionals to get involved with educational and networking events in Boston as well as a way for the Chapter to identify future Chapter Leaders.
Join us on Wednesday, March 28th for a pizza social as this group re-emerges. Attendees will have the chance to view key portions of the Babson Consulting presentation on attracting new recruits to the appraisal profession and participate in a roundtable discussion of the results. Other topics will include how the group can support candidates through the designation process
When: Wednesday, March 28th @ 6 PM
Where: Offices of Boston Financial Investment Management, 101 Arch Street, 13th Floor, Boston, MA
Following the meeting, attendees are invited for cocktails at Central Bistro Boston located in the same building.
Space is limited. This is a free event, but a RSVP is required.
Please respond to Lianne Andreucci @ office@ma-ri-me-appraisalinstitute.org to reserve a space.
New Balance Development’s Boston Landing – a MBTA Public Private Partnership
Wednesday, May 23rd @
Boston Landing | 80 Guest Street
Boston/Brighton, MA Followed by Cocktails and Bowling at Flatbread
![]() |
New Balance Development’s Boston Landing – a MBTA Public Private Partnership
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter is pleased to welcome a distinguished group of panelists with first hand knowledge of the process involved in public/private partnerships. The two hour CE program will include professionals directly involved in the development of Boston Landing in Brighton/Boston, the home of the Boston Bruins’ and soon to be Boston Celtics’ practice facilities. Following the two hour CE program, participants
are invited for networking, cocktails and light refreshments, at Brighton Bowl, a new candlepin bowling alley, located in Flatbreads at 75 Guest Street. The program will feature an overview of NB Development’s mixed-use Boston Landing complex with focus of the MBTA’s Public Private Partnership (P3) in constructing the new commuter rail station. It will also focus on the station’s impact on marketability and value as a transit-oriented development. Finally, the program will also discuss the new transit station as a catalyst for the overall neighborhood’s redevelopment. —Learn Valuation Information and Earn Two Hours of CE Credit— |
Meet our Knowledgeable Panel The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is pleased to welcome a distinguished group of panelists to our upcoming Chapter meeting. Moderator
Program Details
Schedule of Events 2:30 pm – Registration 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Two Hour CE Program Cost $50 AI Price: $75 Regular Price. Space is limited. Register now to guarantee your seat!
Continuing Education Credit
The program is approved for two hours of Appraisal Institute Continuing Education credit. Applications have been submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the states of Rhode Island and New Hampshire. About Boston Landing
Boston Landing is Boston’s dynamic new neighborhood for businesses, families and shoppers pursuing active lives. Poised on the Mass Pike and easily accessible from anywhere in the city, it is the new home of the Celtics, the Bruins, and New Balance. Directions can be found here. Parking We are able to offer validated parking at the 80 Guest Street parking garage. Access to the garage is on the back service corridor which runs alongside the MassPike. |
Eminent Domain and Condemnation Appraisal Practice in Massachusetts – 2018
Earn 7 total hours of CE credit!
Presented by
The New England Chapter – IRWA
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute
MBREA| The Association for Valuation Professionals TM
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division
Thursday, September 20th from 8:00 am – 4:45 pm
Connelly Center @ the Federal Reserve Boston
600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA
At this seminar, participants will dive into the condemnation process through a host of eminent domain experts from across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The seminar will feature several panel discussions and individual presentations on various right of way appraisal topics. Presenters will explore all phases of the right of way acquisition process, focusing on the appraiser’s critical role on the project team. Participants will learn valuable skills associated with appraising partial acquisitions, assessing damages, and providing expert testimony during litigation.
The seminar is sponsored in part by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and MassDOT highly encourages all appraisers who wish to do business with the Highway Division to attend this educational seminar.
Program Schedule:
8:00 AM – Registration
8:30 AM – 4:45 PM – 7 Hour CE Program
Registration Fee (includes breaks, lunch, and materials):
- Member Rate (IRWA, AI, MBREA):$165*
- Non-Member Rate:$205
- Government Rate (MassDOT): $125
*IRWA and MBREA members who are not AI professionals should contact those organizations for a promo code to receive the member rate.
Continuing Education:
This program is approved for 7 Hours of CE credit by the Appraisal Institute and approved for 7 Continuing Education Units (CUEs) for IRWA recertification. Applications have been submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of Rhode Island and the State of New Hampshire. It is the discretion of the Board to approve, disapprove and/or reduce the amount of CE credit for the course. 100% attendance is required to receive CE credit.
Topics Covered Include:
Introduction to Eminent Domain, Condemnation Theory and Defining the Basics – This session will provide an overview of the history of eminent domain, concepts, public purpose, just compensation and define terms.
o Bernard Baldassaro, Appraisal Administrator, MassDOT/Highway Division, Right of Way Bureau
o Richard K. Pino, MAI, R/W-AC, Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC
o Christopher Quinn, Esq.
The Team Approach to Valuation – Panelists will provide input on how their work with the appraiser helps to facilitate an efficient acquisition of the necessary real property interests on a right of way project.
o Derrick Roma, PMP, SR/WA
o Matthew Curley, Project Engineer, Tetra Tech, US Infrastructure Division
o John DeLeire, Director, MassDOT Highay Division, Right of Way Bureau
o William Lachance, MAI, SRA, Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC
o Robert LaVita, RE Director, RND Consultants, Inc.
The Importance of Highest and Best Use and its role in the Valuation Process – This session provides an introduction to the concept of Highest and Best Use (HBU) and explains why it is critical to the valuation process. The discussion will include the required legal, physical possible, financial and maximum profitability tests
o Rose Perrizo, MAI, Principal and Owner, RP Realty Advisors
o Steven R. Foster, MAI, Senior Vice President, Lincoln Property Company
o William Lyons, Jr., President and Founder, Fort Hill Companies
Partial Takings – Concepts and Valuation Issues – This session is presented around a series of case study examples illustrating valuation techniques, including Direct Damages – Consequential & Severance and Overburdening Considerations, the Challenges of Highest & Best Use in Before & After Analysis and Proximity Damage or Change in Highest & Best Use
o Ellen McDonald, Real Estate Appraiser and Market Analyst
o Bernard Baldassaro, Appraisal Administrator, MassDOT/Highway Division, Right of Way Bureau
o Donald Bouchard, CRE, MAI, Senior Vice President, Lincoln Property Company
o Gregory Story, Principal, AM Appraisal Associates
o Richard K. Pino, MAI, R/W-AC, Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC
The Litigation Environment – This presentation features a panel of experienced attorneys and a former Superior Court Judge, discussing the litigation environment and what the appraiser should prepare for.
o Donald Bouchard, CRE, MAI, Senior Vice President, Lincoln Property Company
o John Bowen, Esq., Counsel, Rackemann, Sawyer and Brewster
o John Leonard, Esq., Law offices of John S. Leonard
o J. Owen Todd, Esq. Partner, Todd and Weld, LLP
Understanding the Impact of Casinos on Massachusetts Communities
Tuesday, May 21st @
Fort Port Room @ Atlantic Wharf | 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is pleased to welcome officials from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission as well as representatives from Springfield and Plainridge Massachusetts, two casino host communities to present Understanding the Impact of Casinos on Massachusetts Communities. Presentations will include an overview of the law and impacts expected from the new industry. There will also be a discussion of the process of selecting host and surrounding communities and ongoing community mitigation. Finally, there will be a presentation from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s Director of Research and Responsible Gaming who will discuss the commission’s public research work and focus to assess casino impacts on critical issues.
• Bruce Stebbins, Commissioner, Massachusetts Gaming Commissioner (MGC)
• John Ziemba – Ombudsman, MGC
• Edward Pikula – City Solicitor, Springfield, MA
• Richard Allen – Chairman of the Board of Assessors, Springfield, MA
• Jennifer Thompson – Town Administrator, Plainville, MA
• Maureen Clarke – Principal Assessor, Plainville MA
• Mark Vander Linden – Director of Research and Responsible Gaming, MGC
Schedule of Events
11:45 am – Registration
12:00 pm – Lunch and Chapter Business Meeting
12:30 pm – Two Hour CE Program
CE Credit: This program is approved for two hours of Appraisal Institute continuing education credit. Applications have been sent to the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Real Estate Appraisers and the States of New Hampshire and Rhode Island. It is the discretion of the Boards to approve, disapprove and/or reduce the amount of CE credit for the course.
The Election of 2020 Officers, Directors, and Regional Representatives will take place at the Chapter Business Meeting. Read the 2019 Report of the Nominating Committee here.
September 25th @ 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Save the Bay
100 Save the Bay Drive, Providence, RI
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is pleased to welcome a distinguished group of panelists to share their insights and provide an overview of the cause and effect created by climate change. The panelists delve into an understanding of “at risk” property areas as well as some practical applications for appraisers to consider in appraising at risk properties.
- Topics Include:
- Economic and real property risk
- The current and future status of climate change, impacted by policy changes, resiliency legislation and state goals, adaptation and hazard mitigation
- The current financial and flood insurance regulatory environment including FEMA rules
Presentations will include:
- Rhode Island’s Vulnerable Coastline–Mr. Grover Fugate, Executive Director, RI Coastal Resources MC
- Narragansett Bay Will Change–Mr. Johnathan Stone, Executive Director Save the Bay
- Wetlands/Resiliency/Policy Solutions—Janet Coite, Director RI Dept. of Environmental Management
Impact on the Market–Realtor Perspective–TBA - Round Table Discussion – Real Estate Experts from the Banking, Appraisal and Sales profession discuss the practical impacts and unintended consequences of climate change in the Real Estate Profession
Schedule of Events:
9:30 am – Registration
10:00 am – Noon – AM Session*
Noon – Chapter Business Meeting and Lunch
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm – PM Session*
*Participants must attend both sessions to receive CE credit. No partial credit will be granted.
The Chapter meeting will include the presentation of designation certificates and the election to fill a vacant spot on the 2020 Chapter Board of Directors. View the Report of the Nominating Committee here.
Continuing Education Credit: This program is approved for four hours (4.0) of continuing education credit by the Appraisal Institute and the State of Rhode Island. Applications have been sent to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the state New Hampshire for 4.0 hours of continuing education credit. It is the discretion of the Board to approve, disapprove and/or reduce the amount of CE credit for the course. No approval will be granted in other states.
Location: AV-1 on the 3rd Floor at the Federal Reserve Boston, 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA
Program Schedule:
Registration and Continental Breakfast 7:30 am
CE Program: 8:00 am – 10:00 am
- Elizabeth Berthelette, Director of Research Newmark, Knight, Frank, Boston, MA
- Greg Klemmer, Executive Vice President, Colliers International, Boston, MA
- David Martel, Executive Managing Director, Newmark, Knight, Frank, Boston MA
- Alan Suzuki, Senior Director, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc., Boston, MA
Candidates for Designation Networking Event
Wednesday, October 16th @ 5:00 pm
Central Wharf Company
160 Milk Street Street | Boston, MA
Event RSVP - Rhode Island Holiday Luncheon on Monday, December 16 @ 12:30 pm
Join candidates and advisors for a casual networking and socializing happy hour!
This event will give Candidates and Advisors the opportunity to meet with their fellow Candidates and Advisors in a casual environment to encourage engagement and connection. Candidate Guidance Committee members and newly Designated Members will be on hand to answer questions Candidates may have regarding their designation path.
Make invaluable business connections and enrich your professional development.
This is a free event, but for planning purposes please RSVP by October 15th.
Location: Courtyard By Marriott, 700 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA
Tuition: $650 AI Price; $900 Full Price
Instructor: Mark V. Smeltzer, MAI, SRA, AI-RRS
Credit Hours: 14 hours + 1 Hour exam (Be sure check with with your state licensing board for approval)
This is a FREE event and NO continuing education will be granted.
May 11th @ 3:00 pm
Program time approximately 60 minutes
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter has put together a distinguished panel of real estate professionals to discuss current developments during this unprecedented time. Learn how the COVID 19 pandemic is having a substantial impact on local residential real estate markets and creating challenges for appraisers.
Mark Hickey
Director of Market Analytics, CoStar
The Boston Residential Market in Tumultuous Times
Joanne Shelton
Principal/Director at Bonz and Company, Inc.
Multi-Family Housing
Bill Dermody
Chairman of the Board for the Greater Boston Real Estate Board (GBREB)
Sales Manager, Berkshire Hathaway
State of the current residential market
Theresa Hatton, CEO
Massachusetts Association of Realtors
Legislative and market conditions
Tom Acitelli
Author, reporter, and blogger
Residential Real Estate Market
Deborah Carlson
Vice President /Appraisal at Needham Bank
About the Webinar
Webinar will be held using Zoom. A Zoom account is not required.
Registered attendees will be sent an easy to use link to join the webinar.
Attendees will be in listen only mode. If you would like to send a question in advance
for the panelists feel free to do so here. · If you have a question during the Webinar,
please use the “Chat” feature on the program.
As a thank you to our speakers, the Mass/RI Chapter has made a donation to Greater Boston Food Bank. Learn more about their pandemic response here.
This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.
The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.
This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.
This is a FREE event and NO continuing education will be granted.
CompStak provides millions of vetted leases and sales comps nationwide across every asset class. Appraisal Institute professionals now get exclusive access to CompStak on both our Exchange Platform and Enterprise Platform. Compstak has recently partnered with the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute as a Gold Partner.
Join us for this FREE webinar. Learn about Compstak and the CRE Tech industry in times of COVID-19 and how the recently launched national partnership with the Appraisal Institute can help you. There will be a demonstration of the Exchange platform and the unique benefits for appraisers such as the ability to save time and work more efficiently.
Presenters are Brandon Odenheimer, Sr. Market Development Manager, Northeast Region, COMPSTAK and Matt Lee, Regional Director, Midwest Region, COMPSTAK
The Appraisal Institute and Compstak have recently partnered where AI members gain access to 20 free comps when they qualify for CompStak Exchange and a 10% discount and 7 Day Trial when they qualify for our Enterprise offering.
This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.
The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.
This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.
Instructor: Vincent M. Dowling, MAI, SRA
Login/Program Access: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – Noon
Enrolled students will receive an email with a link to join the virtual class.
About the Program: This unique offering seeks to provide the appraiser with thought provoking insight into what clients and intended users expect in an appraisal. Understanding and addressing these expectations allow intended user/s and review appraisers to realize the value of the analysis and evaluate the appraisal service. The seminar focuses on the presentation of appraisal components in a manner that will be understood by the client and intended user/s and offer ways of providing supporting documentation in a manner to comply with the minimum requirements of USPAP. The objectives of this offering should be of interest to all appraisers, residential and commercial.
Participation Guidelines: Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor. Participants do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate.
A copy of your driver’s license must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification after you have registered for the offering no later than noon on September 16th via email.
Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Once registered, students will be emailed log-in/access information.
Continuing Education: This program is approved for 3 hours of AI credit (15 points) and for 3 hours of CE credit by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Approval #620013) and the State of Maine (Approval #116C001). Applications have also been submitted NH and RI for three hours of appraiser CE credit. There will be no credit provided in other states.
Course Materials: Price includes an electronic copy of the materials which will be emailed to enrolled students.
Location: Courtyard By Marriott, 700 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA
Tuition: $550 AI Price; $600 Full Price (after 11/18 add $50)
Instructor: Edward V. Bowler, MAI, SRA
Credit Hours: 30 hours (Be sure check with with your state licensing board for approval)
Instructor: Vince Dowling, MAI
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Enrolled students will receive an email with a link to join the virtual class.
Course Details: Click here for course description, state certification hours, etc.
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuition: $150 AI Price; $200 Full Price
Instructor: Steven G. Elliott, SRA
Enrolled students will receive a unique link to join the virtual class.
Credit Hours: 7 hours. The Chapter has verified that MA and RI have approved virtual education. CT, ME, VT, and NH have also provided guidance on this issue. For other states, students are strongly encouraged to contact the state licensing agencies directly.
It is the responsibility of the student to check with each state licensing agency they are looking for CE credit to verify virtual approval.
Tuition DOES NOT include a copy of 2020 – 2021 UNIFORM STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE which is required for credit. Order a copy here: http://www.appraisalfoundation.org/TAF/Store/TAF/Products.aspx
The instructor will verify you have a copy of USPAP at the beginning of the class.
Participation Guidelines:
Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor,
A copy of your driver’s license must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification after you have registered for the offering no later than noon on January 28th, 2021.
Login/Program Access: 8:30 am – 9:00 am EST
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Instructor: Lamar Ellis
Enrolled students will receive a unique link to join the virtual class
CE Credit:
Credit Hours: 3 hours (15 AI Points) . The Chapter has verified that MA (Approval #620025), RI (Approval #REA.0001601-CE) have approved this program and are currently accepting virtual education. This program is approved in New Hampshire BUT virtual education is pending. There will be no credit provided in other states.
It is the responsibility of the student to check with each state licensing agency they are looking for CE credit to verify virtual approval.
One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. Credit and a course completion certificate can only be issued by attending 100% of the course. Please plan accordingly and be on time as late arrival or leaving early could jeopardize your receiving a certificate of attendance.
Virtual Classroom Participation Guidelines
- Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor.
- A copy of your driver’s license or other government issued ID with photo must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification no later than noon on February 23rd th via email.
- Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Attendance will be taken at various times throughout the day.
- New to Zoom? Click here to learn more. You do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate. If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone, please download the ZOOM app prior to the offering. Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer before class. If you have a Lenovo laptop, you must have the Lenovo Vantage App installed on your computer for webcam to work.
Join us in supporting the American Red Cross by giving the gift of life.
For 2021, the Massachusetts Rhode Island & Maine Chapter is hosting a month long Sleeves Up Blood Drive for Jay Zeiger Service Day. From May 1 to June 15, the Chapter is teaming up with the American Red Cross to ensure that a safe, reliable blood supply is available for patients in need.
We have set a modest goal of 30 pledges for blood donations, but with nearly 400 AI Professionals in our Chapter, we hope to exceed this goal. By clicking the link to schedule your blood donation, you know you’re on your way to helping save up to three lives!
To sign up, visit the Jay Zeiger Service Day donor page and find your nearest Red Cross donation center. A social distance-compliant reservation can be scheduled at any American Red Cross donation center near you.
About Jay Zeiger
In 2008, the Board of Directors voted to create a Jay (James) Zeiger Service Day. Jay was an active MAI member of the Massachusetts Chapter. In addition to serving on the Chapter’s Board of Directors for nine years, Jay served on various chapter and national Appraisal Institute committees. He was always an advocate for our organization. Jay lost his battle with cancer in August 2007 and the Chapter continues to honor him with a Day of Service in his memory.
Since its inception in 2008, Chapter AI Professionals have donated their time by volunteering at the PMCNewton-Needham Kids Ride, Greater Boston Food Bank and Cradles to Crayons.
To: Rhode Island Branch Chapter members
From: Susan Kelly, SRA, 2021 RI Branch Advisory Board Chair
Date: May 12th @ 9:30 am via Zoom
Please join members of the Rhode Island Branch Advisory Board for a special meeting of the Rhode Island Branch to discuss proposed changes to the Rhode Island Branch. A proposal to dissolve the branch structure, and replace it with a standing State of Rhode Island Committee will be discussed.
The Rhode Island Branch Advisory Board needs your feedback. Please plan on attending this special meeting to provide your input. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please feel free to email your thoughts to the Chapter directly at office@ma-ri-me-appraisalinstitute.org.
There is no charge to attend but registration is required. All registered attendees will be sent a link to join.
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuition: $175 AI Price; $200 Full Price (after 5/26, add $25)
Instructor: R. Scott Hartman, SRA
Enrolled students will receive a unique link to join the virtual class
Refer to this page for CE information
Who Should Enroll
Residential appraisers and reviewers who are currently working in the secondary market lending space: appraisals for loans that are ultimately purchased by Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, USDA, or Fannie Mae
Continuing Education
This course is approved for 35 AI CE points as well as 7.5 hours of CE credit by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Approval #120076 ), the State of Rhode Island (Approval #REA.0001346-CE) and Maine. The Chapter has verified that MA, RI, and ME have approved virtual education.
Optional Exam: Rhode Island and Maine have also approved this program for 8.5 hours including the optional exam which will NOT be offered. Students who wish to take the exam may do so through Pearvue Testing Center.
Equipment & Technology
• basic free Zoom Application software (https://zoom.us/pricing)
• reliable internet connection
• computer (iPad or tablet)
• web camera (built into laptop computer or external attachment)
• audio with speaker and microphone capability (built into your computer, headphone, or earbuds)
Virtual Classroom Participation Guidelines:
- Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor.
- A copy of your driver’s license or other government issued ID with photo must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification no later than noon on June 8th via email. Feel free to black out all information except your name, city, and state.
- Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Attendance will be taken at various times throughout the day.
- New to Zoom? Click here to learn more. You do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate. If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone, please download the ZOOM app prior to the offering. Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer before class. If you have a Lenovo laptop, you must have the Lenovo Vantage App installed on your computer for webcam to work.
Program: Allston/Brighton: The New Cambridge
Thursday, June 17th @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Login/Program Access: 8:30 am
Two Hour CE program: 9:00 am
Chapter Business Meeting and Election: 11:00 am
Registered attendees will be sent a link to join.
About the Program:
Developers are proposing new projects small and large to meet demand from technology companies migrating to Boston’s Allston/Brighton neighborhood. The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) is promoting mixed-use projects containing maker-space to maintain the “live, work, play” atmosphere employees and residents all desire. The program will focus on what is driving the demand for office and laboratory space and the mix of new housing proposed in the neighborhood. The program will help explain to real estate appraisers the value of maintaining the “live, work, play” atmosphere and how a mix of new uses increase a neighborhood’s continued desirability. In addition, the program will explain to real estate appraisers how access and proximity to demand generators is playing a role in the Allston/Brighton neighborhood’s transformation into The New Cambridge….
The offering is slated to feature:
Senator Barry Finegold (D), Massachusetts State Senator – 2nd Essex and Middlesex District
Jonathan Greeley, Director of Development Review – Boston Planning & Development Agency
Molly Heath, Managing Diretor, JLL
Ted Tye, Managing Partner – National Development
Morgan Pierson, Director of Development – Berkeley Investments
Jim Halliday, President – NB Development Group
Following the CE program, the Spring Chapter meeting will be held virtually at the conclusion of Allston/Brighton: The New Cambridge – Two Hour CE Program. The Chapter Business Meeting will include the Election of 2022 Officers, Directors and Regional Reps.
Instructor: Jonathan H. Avery, MAI, SRA
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am EST
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm EST
Tuition: $150 AI Price; $200 Full Price*
Enrolled students will receive an email with a link to join the virtual class.
Credit Hours: 7 hours.
The Chapter has verified that MA, RI, and ME have approved virtual education. For other states, students are strongly encouraged to contact the state licensing agencies directly.
It is the responsibility of the student to check with each state licensing agency they are looking for CE credit to verify virtual approval.
*Tuition DOES NOT include a copy of 2020 – 2021 UNIFORM STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE which is required for credit. Order a copy here: http://www.appraisalfoundation.org/TAF/Store/TAF/Products.aspx
The instructor will verify you have a copy of USPAP at the beginning of the class.
The Candidates Guidance Committee Presents Where Does the Time Go?
When: Wednesday, October 13th @ 4PM
Where: Via Zoom
This is a FREE event but registration is required. Registered participants will be sent a log-in link prior to the event.
About the Program
Earlier this year, the Candidates Guidance Committee sent out a survey which identified the biggest roadblock to designation was planning time to complete the requirements. This program will provide practical advice to assist with completing the comprehensive exam and demonstration of knowledge requirement.
Although all of us like to think we can “manage time”, there are definitely points in our lives, whether in relationships, family, work, education (and the multiple combinations of these interactions), where it feels like time is “managing us”.
In this webinar, we will take a look at how the hours of a week can be better organized, managed, and utilized to avoid interruptions, procrastinations, and delays in getting things done. We will examine what might be putting folks in the position of being “managed by time” and, hopefully, gain some insight into how participants can more effectively “manage time”.
Guest Speaker
Bob Mulvey is an advisor and educator with over 35 years of experience in postsecondary education. He has designed curriculum and done presentations and workshops on time management, project management, and career preparation for college students, faculty, and staff, as well as for a variety of community based organizations. He is a retired associate professor from the Professional Music Business department at Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Location: Hilton Garden Inn Freeport Downtown, 5 Park Street, Freeport, ME 04032
Registration: 8:00 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tuition: $195 AI Price; $220 Full Price
Instructor: Steven G. Elliott, SRA
Credit Hours: 7 hours (Be sure to check with with your state licensing board for approval)
Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here.
Course Material and breaks: Price includes a downloaded version of the NEWLY required reference manual and the course handbook as well as AM break. Students that wish to have a printed copy of materials may opt to do so at an additional cost and will be responsible for paying shipping.
CE Credit: One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. Credit and a course completion certificate can only be issued by attending 100% of the course. Please plan accordingly and be on time as late arrival or leaving early could jeopardize your receiving a certificate of attendance.
Reminder: Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here. All students will be required to display a paper or electronic copy of the current USPAP at registration – No Exceptions.
NOTE. Appraisers must successfully complete the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course every 2 years to meet the USPAP continuing education requirement.
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuition: $175 AI Price; $200 Full Price (after 1/27, add $25)
Instructor: Eric P. Haims, MAI, AI-GRS,
Enrolled students will receive a unique link to join the virtual class
Refer to this page for CE information
Continuing Education
This course is approved for 35 AI CE points as well as 7 hours of CE credit by the MA (Approval #120124) RI (Approval #REA.0001697-CE) and ME. The Chapter has verified that MA, RI & ME have approved virtual education.
Equipment & Technology
• basic free Zoom Application software (https://zoom.us/pricing)
• reliable internet connection
• computer (iPad or tablet)
• web camera (built into laptop computer or external attachment)
• audio with speaker and microphone capability (built into your computer, headphone, or earbuds)
Virtual Classroom Participation Guidelines:
- Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor.
- A copy of your driver’s license or other government issued ID with photo must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification no later than noon on February 9th via email. Feel free to black out all information except your name, city, and state.
- Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Attendance will be taken at various times throughout the day.
- New to Zoom? Click here to learn more. You do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate. If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone, please download the ZOOM app prior to the offering. Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer before class. If you have a Lenovo laptop, you must have the Lenovo Vantage App installed on your computer for webcam to work.
Login/Program Access: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuition: $175 AI Price; $200 Full Price (after 2/10, add $25)
Instructor: Alan Hummel, SRA
Enrolled students will receive a unique link to join the virtual class
Refer to this page for CE information
As the world changes, so do processes and methods used in many businesses including the appraisal profession. While alternative appraisal services like bifurcated, hybrid, and desktop appraisals and evaluations aren’t new, they are becoming more popular. Many appraisers are uncertain about the general requirements of each service, how appraisal standards might apply, and how these services might create liability. This seminar will provide more clarity about the different services being requested and help you to decide if these services are for you. It will review the expectations of alternative appraisal services, potential uses, appraisal standard implications, scope of work, and liability concerns as it applies to residential and commercial assignments. And it will review evaluation formats and the business opportunities for them.
Continuing Education
This course is approved for 35 AI CE points as well as 7 hours of CE credit by MA (Approval #00120107), RI (Approval #REA.0001512-CE) and M . The Chapter has verified that MA, RI, and ME have approved virtual education. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO CHECK OTHER STATES.
Equipment & Technology
• basic free Zoom Application software (https://zoom.us/pricing)
• reliable internet connection
• computer (iPad or tablet)
• web camera (built into laptop computer or external attachment)
• audio with speaker and microphone capability (built into your computer, headphone, or earbuds)
Virtual Classroom Participation Guidelines:
- Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor.
- A copy of your driver’s license or other government issued ID with photo must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification no later than noon on February 23rd. via email. Feel free to black out all information except your name, city, and state.
- Only those students who provide the photo identification and “attend” the program in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion. Attendance will be taken at various times throughout the day.
- New to Zoom? Click here to learn more. You do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate. If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone, please download the ZOOM app prior to the offering. Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer before class. If you have a Lenovo laptop, you must have the Lenovo Vantage App installed on your computer for webcam to work.
Location: Washington/York Room @ the Augusta Civic Center, 76 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Registration: 8:00 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tuition: $195 AI Price; $220 Full Price
Instructor: Steven G. Elliott, SRA
Credit Hours: 7 hours (Be sure to check with with your state licensing board for approval)
Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here.
Course Material and breaks: Price includes a downloaded version of the NEWLY required reference manual and the course handbook as well as AM break. Students that wish to have a printed copy of materials may opt to do so at an additional cost and will be responsible for paying shipping.
CE Credit: One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. Credit and a course completion certificate can only be issued by attending 100% of the course. Please plan accordingly and be on time as late arrival or leaving early could jeopardize your receiving a certificate of attendance.
Reminder: Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here. All students will be required to display a paper or electronic copy of the current USPAP at registration – No Exceptions.
NOTE. Appraisers must successfully complete the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course every 2 years to meet the USPAP continuing education requirement.
Registration: 8:30
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuition: $195 AI Price; $225 Full Price (after 3/30, add $25)
Instructor: Mark V. Smeltzer, MAI, SRA, AI-RRS
Refer to this page for CE information
Continuing Education
This course is approved for 35 AI CE points as well as 7 hours of CE credit by MA (Approval #120117), RI (Approval #REA.0001610-ce) and ME .
Course Details: Click here for course description, etc
Course Location/Schedule:
Live /Virtual Education
Login/Program Access: 8:30 am – 9:00 am EST
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Live/Virtual Classroom Guidelines:
- Students must have a computer, webcam and microphone capabilities to participate and receive continuing education credit.
- The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able to interact with the instructor.
- A copy of your government issued ID must be emailed to the Chapter Office as verification no later than noon on April 13th.
- You will receive a separate email from the chapter office with log-in access information.
Continuing Education:
This course is approved for 20 AI CE points as well as four (4) hours of CE credit by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Rhode Island. The Chapter has verified that MA and RI have approved virtual education. For other states, students are strongly encouraged to contact the state licensing agencies directly. It is the responsibility of the student to verify the approval of virtual education in any other states they are looking to receive credit.
This course cannot be used for Maine appraiser credit.
Course Materials: Price includes a downloaded version of the program material. Students that wish to have a printed copy of materials may opt to do so at an additional cost and will be responsible for paying shipping.
Location: Residence Inn by Marriott Boston Braintree, 180 Forbes Road, Braintree, MA 02184
Registration: 8:00 am
Classroom Hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tuition: $195 AI Price; $220 Full Price
Instructor: Jonathan H. Avery, MAI, SRA
Credit Hours: 7 hours (Be sure to check with with your state licensing board for approval)
Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here.
Course Material and breaks: Price includes a downloaded version of the NEWLY required reference manual and the course handbook as well as AM break. Students that wish to have a printed copy of materials may opt to do so at an additional cost and will be responsible for paying shipping.
CE Credit: One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. Credit and a course completion certificate can only be issued by attending 100% of the course. Please plan accordingly and be on time as late arrival or leaving early could jeopardize your receiving a certificate of attendance.
Reminder: Students will be required to bring their own copy of the current USPAP to class. The USPAP publication did not change for 2022. For more information, see The Appraisal Foundation’s FAQs here. All students will be required to display a paper or electronic copy of the current USPAP at registration – No Exceptions.
NOTE. Appraisers must successfully complete the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course every 2 years to meet the USPAP continuing education requirement.
Location: Hyatt Place, 50 Forbes Road, Braintree, MA
Tuition: $385 AI Price; $435 Full Price
Instructor: Edward V. Bowler, MAI, SRA
Credit Hours: 15 hours (Be sure check with with your state licensing board for approval)
Instructor: Patricia Staebler, SRA
Login/Program Access: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Classroom Hours: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2022 Q2 Chapter Business Meeting* – Immediately following the program (estimated 12:00 pm)
*Election of 2023 Officers, Directors and Regional Reps will take place at this meeting
Enrolled students will receive an email with log-in/access information with a link 7 days prior to the class.
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: An appraiser conducting a 50% FEMA rule appraisal must be well acquainted with numerous and varying rules and regulations set forth by FEMA, and must have a thorough understanding of construction techniques, materials, and markets. Which valuation method is most appropriate, which components should be included in the report, and which costs must be included and which may not be included. Without such knowledge, appraisers open themselves up to liability. This program will give a thorough overview of FEMA regulations, construction related issues and several examples from the work files of the instructor.
Price includes an electronic copy of the materials which will be emailed to students at the conclusion of the program. Required reading materials will be forwarded prior to the class.
Photo ID Requirement– Students will need to send a government issued (ex: driver license photo) to Chapter office by noon on June 5th. This is a requirement, and you will not receive credit if we do not have a photo to verify your identification with.
Video/Audio Requirement – Students must have a webcam/iPhone/iPad/smartphone capability with microphone capabilities to participate and receive continuing education credit. The instructor must be able to see/hear you and you must be able to see/hear the instructor. This is a requirement, and you will not receive credit if you do not have video/audio capabilities to see/hear the instructor/allow the instructor to see/hear you
Required Equipment – Internet Access, Computer with Webcam/Camera, Microphone and Speakers.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Applications have been submitted to MA and RI for three hours of appraiser CE credit.. There will be no credit provided in other states.
Important information for Maine Appraiser License Holders: Because this is a third party program that is not AQB approved, no CE credit can be provided for Maine for this program. Current ME Board rules do not allow for synchronous delivery of Board-approved (non-AQB) continuing education programs until the Board completes the process of updating its rules to allow it.
Enhance your valuation analyses and broaden your consulting portfolio by understanding the complexities of calculating effective rent. You will gain a thorough understanding of effective rent and its importance in lease negotiations and valuation assignments by working through case studies featuring common circumstances involving effective rent. Strengthen your analyses by evaluating the way effective rent impacts property value. Recognize how the integration of the effective rent measurement is used by market participants (landlords and tenants) for leases involving landlord concessions and non-market-based provisions in all three approaches to value. At the end of the seminar, you will have a take-away model to use immediately when incorporating effective rent into your valuation or consulting work.
Course Location/Schedule:
Cloudwork Co-Working Multi-Space, 63 Federal St, Portland, ME
Registration: 12:15 pm
Classroom Hours: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Credit Hours: 4 hours and 20 AI Points. Approved in RI & ME. An application has been submitted to MA for 4 hour of CE credit. For other states, click here
Course Attendance: One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. Credit and a course completion certificate can only be issued by attending 100% of the course. Please plan accordingly and be on time as late arrival or leaving early could jeopardize your receiving a certificate of attendance.
Course Materials/Breaks: A downloaded copy of materials is included.
Parking: There is all-day free parking on nearby Mountfort street as well as several parking lots in close proximity.
This is a FREE event and NO state CE will be granted.
This course will be held via live interactive classroom technology. See below for important participation requirements.
State Credit:
A course may NOT be approved in every state for every delivery format. For example, some states do NOT allow any virtual education. When registering for any Appraisal Institute course, all participants will be required to check state approvals based on delivery format. For more information, see our state approvals page.
Class Schedule:
Class begins each day at 10:00AM Central time (8:00AM Pacific, 9:00AM Mountain, 11:00AM Eastern). Each class runs for 3.5 hours each day with at least two breaks during that time. The course runs for four (4) half-days. Times shown are U.S. Central (Chicago) time.
Day 2, Tuesday, June 21, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
Day 3, Wednesday, June 22, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
Day 4, Thursday, June 23, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
AI National Synchronous Participation Requirements:
• You must have a computer, webcam, and microphone capability to participate and receive continuing or qualifying education credit where approved. It is your responsibility to have the required equipment to participate and receive credit. Visit the System Requirements for Attendees and Share Webcam pages for help.
• The instructor must be able to interact with all students. Instructors and administrators will direct questions to each student in the morning and afternoon to which students must respond. Students must be in a location that allows for their full attention and interaction at all times.
• Attendance will be monitored throughout the day through webcams and polling. You must turn on your webcam during roll call at the beginning of class so that the instructor can verify your photo identification. (Students with licenses in North Carolina, Connecticut, Maryland, or New York must keep their webcams on at all times.)
If you have any questions regarding these classroom participation requirements, please contact the Appraisal Institute at sync@appraisalinstitute.org or call (312) 335-4473.